Why Membership?
Your Otto PTA membership dues help pay for teacher grants, student recognition, programs for students and parents, and teacher/staff appreciation. Click on the link below to purchase your Otto PTA membership for 2024-2025
Otto PTA 2024-2025 Membership costs are:
- $24 for a Family (2 Adult) membership
- $12 for a Parent/Community membership
- $12 for a Student/Staff membership
The PTA is the largest children’s advocacy organization in the country, providing us with a voice in state and national legislation and a network of millions of child advocates.
Otto PTA membership includes access to a members-only online school directory.
Your Otto PTA membership, includes membership to both Texas and National PTA. This qualifies you for great discounts too!
Are you logged in? If not, please log in first to see the Otto PTA Store
Please join the partnership of students, staff and parents of Otto to help our students achieve success in the upcoming school year.
2023-2024 Membership Awards
For questions, contact:
Cathy Caldwell, VP Membership
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19