2024-2025 Otto PTA Board


If you want more information on one of our open positions, please contact Hannah Rude at president@ottopta.org.  If you have an interest in making a positive impact in our school, we can find a PTA board or committee member position for you!


Executive Board

President Hannah Rude president@ottopta.org
1st VP Membership Cathy Caldwell membership@ottopta.org
2nd VP Programs Julie Jennings programs@ottopta.org 
3rd VP Ways & Means OPEN waysandmeans@ottopta.org
Secretary Cori Feldman secretary@ottopta.org
Treasurer Patrick Cullen treasurer@ottopta.org
Parliamentarian Amy Alexandar parliamentarian@ottopta.org  


Standing Committee Chairs

Communications Esra El-Haraty communications@ottopta.org 
Hospitality Laney Tate hospitality@ottopta.org 
Council Delegate Veena Puppala delegate@ottopta.org


Committee Chairs

Reflections (PTA Art Program) Katherine Clowes reflections@ottopta.org 
Bank Statement Reviewer Sarah Cat-Hendricks N/A
Book Fair Cori Feldman bookfair@ottopta.org
Copy Room OPEN  
Community Outreach Stephanie Davis outreach@ottopta.org
Community Partners Mariya Khayrullina communitypartners@ottopta.org  
Council Delegate Veena Puppala delegate@ottopta.org 
Newsletter Esra El-Haraty newsletter@ottopta.org 
School Supplies Jessica Barnes schoolsupplies@ottopta.org 
Spirit Nights Erin Thomas spiritnights@ottopta.org 
Spirit Wear OPEN spiritwear@ottopta.org 
Spring Social OPEN  
Volunteers Jill Horton volunteers@ottopta.org 
Website OPEN website@ottopta.org 


Otto Middle School Administration

Principal  Amy Robison amy.robison@pisd.edu
Assistant Principal  Victoria Kearns victoria.kearns@pisd.edu
Assistant Principal  Mark Kelly mark.kelly@pisd.edu



Contact our Community Partners Chair to be a sponsor today. 

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